According to the online newspaper – There is a new artist’s face, painter and sculptor, Dinh Phong, who has appeared as a strange and new phenomenon in the game of color. The strange and interesting experiences that Dinh Phong’s paintings bring contribute to a fresh wind full of enthusiastic excitement – and he has that potential factor in contemporary Vietnamese Fine Arts.
Artist Dinh Phong
His paintings have bold personal markings – Dinh Phong style. Fluttering, romantic colors, warm and sad colors, the colors flowing on the canvas are his own dreams – as he himself admitted and experienced: “I am very ‘drunk’ with all my paintings, because they look like I have been reborn.
They don’t belong entirely to this world, but to me we exist in a world of dreams, a world made up of all the accumulated images, subconsciously stored, frozen dreams. , then disintegrate, transform, fly, tumble, they were formed like that when I was very young, so dreams follow me to sleep and pursue me until today … “
Anyone “painting” back to their dreams while “awake”? Dinh Phong was immersed in his own world view, looking deeply, very quietly into his own inner self, with a very unique and distinctive “holding the brush”: “I draw at all hours. during the day and at night when inspired. During the past period I spent all my time painting and sculpting… When I started to paint, I sat in front of the canvas for a while (Zen-like) for about 1 hour to 1.5 hours. It takes great concentration to paint. At that moment the images in the subconscious began to appear. Having painted it, no longer does one know the time! It can be said that in the drunkenness of color, I paint while eating, while sleeping … It is difficult to avoid the temptation of endless horizons and dreams …”.
His endless dreams, continuously cherished by him for decades. From the age of 19, with a burning love for art, he turned to painting. As he confided: “I came to painting, to fine arts a long time ago, perhaps from my high school years. I liked to look at paintings, sculptures … I also went to art museums at home and abroad, I searched for art materials in magazines, books. Fortunately, I have many friends who are artists, sculptors, researchers, art theorists and critics … And I have learned a lot from them “.
I have never gone to any professional training school, but with the spontaneity and an explosion of unrestrained passion. In six months, he composed hundreds of paintings such as “Import dong”. From that hard work, he presented his first exhibition “The Flying Man and Surreal Dreams” in Hanoi (November, 2020) with 70 works including paintings, bronze sculptures, and pottery. This surprised many and was viewed by interested professionals and the public.
“From the past or present, I always have dreams,” he said. I see vivid flying forms in quiet space and in quiet space I hear its sound. The sound of stillness. I have also seen the demise of monumental structures. Collapse, the shattered stopping in space! I find myself flying with all … ”.
Choosing abstractism, the surreal school to convey ideas. His works appear multidimensional, polygons in open space without amplitude. The vague plaques, pieces, pieces of the puzzle were gathered in the mind as “releasing” the creative energy accumulated and suppressed in him for decades.
Loved and fascinated by the Cubist schools of Pablo Picasso, surrealist Salvador Dali’s. He has realized the dreams in his mind with a series of works with an abstract genre. It is emotional sublimation – a colorful game that he himself wanders about “flying, floating” – “It cannot be grasped (dream). I paint to see that dream for the second time! ”.
The Artist Dinh Phong, whose full name is Dinh Tu Phong, was born in 1959 in Hanoi, started his business in Saigon and became a successful businessman in the investment field. Although he has never participated in any fine arts exhibition, but not because his work lacks originality and charisma. He painted images of his dreams, curiously arousing mystery, urging the public to decode the code behind the colorful stories he painted. He confided: “I live in a space full of pictures and statues, but never thought I would draw, but my passion for reading and researching in-depth made me always think and want to touch paint and color. , paint, to create my own works. When I looked deeply into myself, focusing on my inner world view, I felt more and more of these obsessions and desires… ”.
Not just stopping at painting, with the desire to realize his dream once again, Dinh Phong switched direction to an unexpected turning point: Sculpting works from his own paintings. And once again, the dream is more clearly defined in 3D ceramic and bronze sculptures … however, they still preserve the consistency of the overall form. “Although similar to the forms in the paintings, they are not examples or illustrations for paintings …” (Art critic Nguyen Quan).
With a burning passion and unwavering creativity, persistent working strength and self-energy, he practices and dedicates himself to life with unique but extremely impressive works. Or, from his simple wish “… This is not just creativity, but passion, passion strongly motivates me to want to fulfill, want to let everyone see, share and feel my surreal dreams…”.
Please borrow some comments from art critic Nguyen Quan as a premise for the initial steps to experience and enjoy the artistic path that Dinh Phong opened, with his own style, to easily name the names of the strong, new and harmonious feelings from Dinh Phong’s world view to the art-loving public – as a tribute to the tireless efforts to convey the message of creation: “… There is the suggestion of pit gold-streaked earth strewn with wooden stone and ceramic art objects, which are shining in the evening shadows. There’s a picture like a flower trellis, a group of butterflies in the garden is gentle. There was a picture as simple as a game of a ripped colored leopard bouncing in the digital backlight. The rather broad field of association is the success of each abstract work and makes the author identify himself as a “flyer” in a world of “strange lyrical surrealism” … (Nguyen Quan)
Anh – Dinh Phong, is the bridge of dreams with no amplitude, color touching space, light, brilliant aura of the future or sunset of the fading past. “Painting is like a process that guides me through the night, through my dreams, sometimes I relax in the flow of emotions so that art can freely connect. Through the painting, the viewer enters the forest of colors of a dream, to understand more deeply, you should directly stand in front of the work with different perspectives. I take good care of my senses, first to enlighten my own garden “…
And that glorious art garden of yours, already in full bloom and late ripening. I wish you – artist Dinh Phong will always be more successful and spread dreams through the air on a canvas – paintings flying, full of light and dreams that can be touched, that can be grasped with full senses. alive and true …