Artworks in general, and paintings in particular, go from the Ego of the author to the Ego of the viewer. By this way, both share the same experiences, the same resonances.
This is one of Dinh Phong’s paintings (“Embryo”) which I like. But why? The answer can be very difficult and very wordy. For, in order to properly appreciate arts, you need cultural background, awareness, experience… and a lot of other things. To feel the beauty of a picture is similar to looking at a beautiful girl: it’s hard to say why it is that attracts you.
It’s obvious that Beauty is something that makes you Like it, and yet to go deeper into this would be a very long story.
Let’s talk about the world of Dinh Phong’s paintings. The structure, the contrast, and even the animated brush strokes, all of these, in his paintings, create a composition that moves me. Artworks in general, and paintings in particular, come from the Ego of the author to the Ego of the viewer. By this way, both share the same experiences, the same resonances.
The concept of “Surreal Dreams”, on the other hand, is problematic for me. In an article about Dinh Phong, critic Trần Đán raised the question of trying to decipher “dreams” which are often unreal! And, here in this exhibition, the artist adds a “surreal” part! I’m not sure what it is either. But surely he wants to aim for something!
However, looking at Dinh Phong’s paintings and sculptures, I already have two very clear ideas:
To be a painter, you need a tone, a style. To achieve your own style or voice is a lifetime task; even a lifetime may not be enough to find it. In the case of Dinh Phong, however, he was able to find it within a short time, which is quite amazing. It’s not clear whether it was a gift from God or the result of many years of accumulated experience, which only now began to reveal the hidden subconscious below. That is one plus point Dinh Phong has achieved.
The second thing: one of Dinh Phong’s finest qualities shows in the fact that from the moment he appeared, he immediately jumped into the centre of painting, or pure painting. Oftentimes, to achieve the purity of painting, of perception, is very difficult, I think this is a God-given element.
After two exhibitions in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, I think, Dinh Phong, as everyone has said, is a phenomenon. Although I still hope that Dinh Phong will develop this line (“Surreal Dreams”), or many more, which will last longer.
Hope he can do it!
recorded by Nguyen Huu Hong Minh
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